“Never thought I’d see you again.”
The ninth story in the Neverglades Series: Volume Three.
The Inspector’s consciousness has been scattered across dimensions. As he tries to pull his corporeal form together, he travels back and forth through a series of familiar worlds and histories – coming face-to-face with an old enemy in the process.
- The Inspector
- The Semblance
- Atlas
- Celeste
- Polaris
- The Creator of All Things
- Olivia Marconi
- The Shadow Prison
- Venice, Italy
- Great Rift Valley, Kenya
- The Creator’s Library
- Boston, Massachusetts
- Tombstone, Arizona
- Dresden, Germany
- Humanity’s near extinction event (in which all but 55,000 members of the human race were wiped out by the Inspector’s presence), as mentioned in “Purple Moon” and witnessed by Marconi in “In the Beginning,” is depicted in this story from the Inspector’s point of view.
- The history of the Semblance and the Inspector and the events that led to the Semblance’s imprisonment are finally revealed. Despite the Semblance’s arguments to the contrary, the Inspector believed that it orchestrated many of the events of World War II, which finally prompted him to seal it away.
- The Creator of All Things, whom the Inspector alludes to in “Purple Moon,” makes their first appearance in this story.
- This is the second story in the Neverglades series to be narrated by the Inspector himself, the first being “Fallen Night.”